10 Energetic Swami Vivekananda quotes with explain: 11 Thing You’re Forgetting to Do

Lets see some energetic swami vivekananda quotes to explain. Some websites and some articles talked about quotes.but here we all explain with examples. We hope you like it and share with your friends. all quotes indicate energy and must be life changing thoughts. in some quotes to have to improve your life theory like, how to live? and how to observe your own things.
“Take risks in your life, If you win, you can lead! If you lose, you can guide!
Here you get 3 position of life circle
- Firstly take risks in your life,so it means you must take chances if you have 1% of hope.
- Second one is if you win you’re the leader of people who need your help in this path.
- Third one is to fail,it means if you lose the chance it’s not a failed stamp in your mouth,but it means your now Experience in a particular field.
You cannot believe in god until you believe in yourself. -Swami Vivekananda
About the self confidence in every particular event in every way you need particular self confidence for them. For that in the activity, self confidence is most important, not over confidence, but we need confidence in self. you don’t have self confidence, can’t believe in others, and if you can’t believe in someone , you cannot believe in God.
Working on good thoughts can change lives without the permission of God. you need Mark this line. I don’t have a belief in ourselves for your life can’t change anything but if you have your self confidence and don’t have one God believes it has a 50% chance to win, and weaving but if you have both the full world cannot stop your success.
Do one thing at a Time, and while doing it put your whole Soul into it to the exclusion of all else. – Swami Vivekananda
This thought about focus in work.we know without focus we can do any work. We do that physically but not mentoly .This is the main different form of succeeding or failing people.if you work hard not physically or mentoly it doesn’t get you results. If you have full attention for work with mentoly you get esaly sussed in your life.
Lets get some examples : one day Robert got cut from a tree and that time also Shweta went to cut some tree in the forest.after one hour cutting the tree. Robert cut only 2 trees but Sweta cut 5 trees.
Now the main question why one people cut 2 tree and one girl cut 5 tree and is very simple when robert cut the tree with Ax but without Ax Edge.here sweta have full physical and mentaly attention in tree cutting.shweta have use their mind and firstly Edge the Ax.
So its means when you done your work make sure with your are present with mentoly and physically.
“The reason for every misunderstanding is that we see the people as we are but not as they are.”
This thought for our mentally theory,we surely think wrong from our childhood.lets se main thought reason for every misunderstanding. is that what we see in our way but not see as they are.it’s too important for us to see some as we are but not as they are.this not our problem but in human m
entaly. we all have dark secret and negative as we are and react as well as.
So the main thing is don’t judge too quickly for any kind of reason.Must take time to think and then both sides then react.
“God helps those who help themselves.”
We talked about self help.Swami says if you help your own, if you take a chance on yourself not dependent on someone else you must be successful 50 percent of your path.
“Anything that makes you weak – physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject it as poison.”
Se in this topic the Swami said if you have any problem any things which make you weak it helps physically, intellectually and spiritually, must act as a poison.
Swamiji says physically, intellectually and spiritually,all

intense are your direct effect on your work and your life.
Take up one idea, make that one idea your life, think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success
This line for life goal means if you have one idea to be succeed full man.so go for this line : think for your goal,live for this idea,think about only this idea.live only for this idea and live for this only this idea.
Lest take one example, think out of book is the best sample for this idea quotes, in this book author says, if you have leave like you have already purchased what you think your goal.
Think about your goal in Mide. If you think about your vision you can live for real vision in your subconscious mind except this goal.universe automatically gives you back gifts as a path to reach your goal.
“True progress is slow but sure.”
True process is always slow but sure it means the success finally comes., but it’s a very slow process if you have a choice shortcut to reach a success you never touch.
So Final word for This Court is never too shortcut for your success it always hurts your heart.
“If you think yourselves strong, strong you will be.